Discover YesterTec’s Complete Kitchen in an Armoire.
Do you need a small, complete kitchen but you’d rather that it didn’t actually look like a kitchen all the time? Do you want the uncompromising quality of an exquisite piece of furniture that can be styled to blend with the décor of any room? Then one of our innovative Mini-kitchens or Hospitality Centers may be for you!
The UK68B Armoire Kitchen shown above is just one of our models and styles of Mini-Kitchens and Hospitality Centers. See below to receive a complete list of all of our models and their starting and average prices.
Discover our incredible, cost saving UK66-LE Limited Edition Mini-Kitchen, its our most popular model!
The key engineering feature that differentiates YesterTec Mini-kitchens over all others is their ability to safely conceal the built-in cooking appliances (the oven and cooktop). Both of these appliances will not operate with the bi-fold doors closed in front of them. When the doors are opened and placed back into their pockets, the power to the appliances is activated. This technology exclusively developed by YesterTec is U.L Listed and patented.
The problem with typical small exposed mini-kitchens is that they never disappear. When they are not being used, they are still part of the room. Dishes in the sink, ovens and cooktops staring you in the face. On the other hand, the Armoire Kitchen is so beautiful that it can actually become the focal point of the room!
“We designed this piece (and its many variations) to be used in Urban Studio Apartments, Master Bedroom or Guest room suites, Home Theaters,Pool Houses or Mother-in-Law apartments. For that matter, anywhere where a small kitchen is required to blend flawlessly into a room’s décor.” says David Beer, YesterTec’s founder and president. “With this piece, you can literally cook an entire meal then close the doors and hide the mess (and clean everything up later). Its great for the ‘On the go’ lifestyle. And there are many other uses for it as well. Recently it was pointed out to me that it is a great solution when converting a standard kitchen to a Kosher Kitchen.
Add Valuable Amenities to Commercial Properties without giving up Precious Space! The Armoire Kitchen has many uses outside the home. It is ideally suited for Extended Stay or Condo Hotel suites, adding practical amenities and visual interest while saving valuable space. Add an armoire to an office boardroom or an executive’s office to accommodate the needs of extended meetings. An Armoire Kitchen is a convenient addition to an employee lounge, dressing up the area visually and eliminating the need for a separate area for a break room kitchen when space is at a premium.
Environmental Story:
To conceal a typical mini-kitchen from view, designer’s have enclosed them in deeper than normal closets, or hidden them in a hallway, or created a separate room. All of these solutions use much more space than the Armoire kitchen. And we all know that saving square footage saves resources: specifically construction materials and labor. And saving space is the best ‘Green’ strategy there is!
A more concise description:
This 70″wide by 25″deep by 92″ (heights start at 84″ with our smallest crown mold) natural maple UK68B-CSR-MH conceals an under-counter refrigerator/freezer, dishwasher/drawer, two-burner ceramic cooktop, sink, oven/exhaust hood, and abundant storage and counter-space. Best of all, it only uses 120V power, (typically 3 circuits are required for a complete mini-kitchen) and it can be styled to complement the décor of almost any room. Installation is easy as well, since the piece arrives in only two completely built pieces. Once it is set into place and the electric and plumbing systems are installed, the kitchen is ready to go!
To see an article about the Award Winning Midnight Black UK68B-CSR-MH shown here, please go to this link.
Other Models:
The Armoire/Kitchen is part of YesterTec’s extensive line of Kitchen Workstation Furniture. Hospitality Armoires can be created that feature a refrigerator, separate ice maker a sink and room for a small microwave. These pieces are great for any snack center that does not need to have the full cooking capabilities of the Armoire Kitchen. Please visit the following link to discover our Working Pantries and Hospitality Centers that may be appropriate for your needs.
The 8 foot long UKSZ-96 Master Kitchen (shown above in our factory) combines the Armoire Kitchen with more refrigeration and storage space. These kitchens feature up to 15 C.F of refrigeration and can include other add-on storage modules that can combine to a maximum length of 10 1/2 feet long. These models are ideal as primary kitchens for any open plan design that needs a completely hidden kitchen.
The complete Mini-kitchens shown above and below are UK72’s from YesterTec’s Award Winning ‘Stealth’ Kitchen Modules. There are other models available as well.
For completely concealed BARRIER-FREE kitchens, our Stealth Kitchen Module line is ideal. Complete barrier free Mini-Kitchens start at nine feet wide, Hospitality Centers start at six feet wide. Units are custom designed to meet the needs of the job’s requirements.
Contact Us:
If you are interested in seeing a list of our Mini-Kitchen and Hospitality models with their starting and average prices, please call us or just send an email, with your name ( and company name if applicable) and phone number and we’ll send the information to you. Then if you decide on a particular model, we can send ordering info as well, you DO NOT need to order our complete catalog. Please call us with any questions at any time and we’ll try to help you select the most appropriate piece for your project.
Google ‘mini-kitchen YesterTec’ to find out what others are saying about the Armoire Mini-kitchen.

A Stealth Mini-kitchen with a full height refrigerator Module
One of our Stealth Mini-kitchens was featured (on page 54) in the Taunton Press book, In-Laws, Outlaws, and Granny Flats by Michael Litchfield. It was the first book to explore the many designs, uses and benefits of living together on the same property, but separately. In-law units take many forms and they’re all shown here: attic, basement and garage conversions, bump-out additions, carve-out suites, and backyard cottages. Creating an in-law unit—turning one house into two homes—is arguably the greenest, most cost-efficient way to create a small home or cottage. This book covers every aspect of turning one house into two homes.
For Homeowners and designers across the nation, a YesterTec Kitchen offers the perfect union of modern convenience and elegant style. For more information on how to design your kitchen project with Workstations, see the contact tab above.
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